Season of Repentance and Forgiveness
Lent is a significant time in the life of a Christian. It is a time of preparation and an opportunity for many to develop a deeper connection with God.
Lenten season, commonly
called Lent, is a time to observe and commemorate Christ’s passion, death, and
resurrection. A time where we can reflect and prepare before the celebration of
Easter. People prepare for Easter through prayer– doing penance and repentance,
fasting and abstinence– from food and festivities, and giving or doing
something good for others in response to God’s grace. During this penitential
period, may we be humbled in His presence and repent on our wrongdoings and
sins– that we are flawed and undeserving of His sacrifice and great love. Jesus
sacrificed Himself on Good Friday to bear the punishment for all our
wrongdoings and offer us forgiveness. He was raised from the dead on Easter
Sunday to allow us to have a relationship with God for eternity. Spending time
during Lent praying, fasting, and giving can make Jesus’ sacrifice on Good
Friday and His resurrection on Easter even more meaningful.
Despite the current pandemic, may we be able to observe and honor Lent in our homes this year. We may not celebrate Lent like pre-pandemic times, but a good way to spend Lent in the pandemic is by focusing on the basic practices of our Christian faith.
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Hello Yanina, I like how simple and informative your blog is. Continuing to focus on the basic practices as a Christian and keeping the faith alive is indeed the best way to celebrate the Lenten Season. Keep up the good work!